The International Dental Foundation

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The International Dental Foundation
53 Sloane Street, London
SW1X 9SW    UK
Tel: 00 44 (020) 7235 0788
Fax: 00 44 (020) 7235 0767

Booking Form

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Please provide the following Booking information:

First Name

Last Name


Street Address

Address (cont.)


Zip/Postal Code





Registration:   Number
Dentist  £500
Courchevel  2019 March 17-23     Hygienist £280
  Dental Technician £280
Names of additional Delegates: Dental Assistant £230


Total:  £
Comments or Special Requirements?

Payment can be made by Direct Transfer, cheque or Bankers draft (excluding any bank charges) Made payable International Dental Foundation.
Bank Details
  International Dental Foundation
  Sort Code: 20-06-13
  Account: 00490032
  SwiftBic: BARCGB22  
  IBAN: GB97 BARC 2006 1300 4900 32
I confirm that I would like to register for the conference and  am responsible for arranging appropriate travel insurance.
  Print and fax or post to                                 IDF, 53 Sloane Street,London,SW1X9SW             Fax: 00 44 (0) 20 7235 0767